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Birns Has Hosted PBX Services In New York

Birns Telecommunications now offers a cutting edge cloud based PBX service for our New York customers. Our cloud based PBX solution is perfect for any small to medium sized business looking to streamline their communications experience and save money.

These days' small and large businesses alike are taking advantage of hosted office solutions to save money and increase productivity in their businesses.

The Birns hosted PBX has all of the power and features needed to run a small to medium sized business and more.

Benefits of our New York Hosted PBX Services

VoIP Technology

Voice over internet Protocol (VoIP)
technology will save your business
on long distance phone rates.

No PBX Hardware To Buy

No Telecommunications hardware is
needed and you can even lease IP terminals
for a low monthly cost if you want.

Lower Installation Costs

Save thousands of dollars in
installation and upkeep costs over
a traditional PBX.

Low Cost Maintenance

We maintain all of the hardware on our
end, which means that all you have
to worry about is the IP terminals.

Customer Satisfaction

Increase customer satisfaction and
conversions by offering local phone numbers
in any New York or US zip code you want.

Hosted PBX Services Gaining Popularity In New York

Cloud hosted phone systems powered by VoIP technologies have been getting very popular in the small to medium sized business community over the last few years. The technology has come of age and is ready to be deployed throughout the business community. If you own a local New York business and are looking to improve your customer experience consider upgrading to a cloud hosted PBX from Birns.

Birns Telecommunications Inc. has been a trusted leader in the communications industry since 1973. Birns has a proven track record of providing quality products and even better customer support.

Call us today to start your free 10 day trial!

Features of our New York Hosted PBX Services

Call Monitoring

Account Codes

Click to Call


DID Number
per Phone

Online Portal

Find Me,
Follow Me

Selective Call

Voice Mail
to email


And Much



    Or Call 1.888.BIRNS.TEL